
1st Annual Hank Muratagic Ice Cream Sundae Ride – June 3, 2018

Jim and Betty, along with Anna and Karen, exiting the street car visited recently during the LACC ice cream sundae run.

Hank and Terry Bruley taking their lives in their hands accepting a ride with Bob Dahl at the wheel.

First day on the job and Bob smashed it to hell already!

LACC members with our hosts as we enjoyed their street car.

Lots of smiles as T & J host our club for a photo op of old cars and even older street cars.


Hank still trying to convince Health Canada that a banana split is one of the six major food groups.

Lots of fun, but coats required, as the weather was less than ideal, however the DQ ice cream was great!

Anna was all smiles thinking she had won the poker hand with Richard looking to benefit, however Joyce Dahl rolled a “worser” poker hand to take the $10 prize.

Ten cents per visit and two dollars later Chuck & Karen finally caught up to our group.

Bob Dahl giving Jim Holmes a piece of his mind.

Riitta enjoys a soft dipped while keeping an eye on Louise Ouimet as she won the mileage portion of the days proceedings.

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